Jun.CH.Russ , CH. Russ., 3XBOB , BIS, CH. Club, CH.Grand. ТОП- ШЕЛТИ 2010Mainland'S Agent 007sable/white
GB N UCHJaparo By Design
Degalo The Legend
GB CH Orean Rainbow Warrior
Degalo Sweet Magic
GB CHJaparo Song 'n' Dance
Harribrae Heritage
Degalo Hokus Pokus at Japaro
N UCHQuashee Zoom The Moon
ЛЩ монопородка в Твери "Кубок Твери-2002", эксп. Барбосов, ЛЩ монопородка "Букет Черноземья - 2002" эксп. Хельге Ли, BIG-II "Господин Великий Новгород 2003" , 4xCACIB, R.CACIB, 7xCAC, 7xBOB, 1xBIG-I, 3xBIG-II, 2xBIS-I, 1xBIS-III, CH Rus, CH.Clab, CH. Grand, Mold, Ukr, CH.DK N S UCh, CH. Int.Valerina Ross Londonsable/white
Чемпион России, 2-х кратный Чемпион НКП, Junior Warrant GBArcot Just A Momentsable/white
Valerina Ross Saurissable/white
One Of The King't Wijnmeer
NL CH King Van Den Horebilck
Halloween' T Wijnmeer
Happy History iz Grafskogo Pomestija
СЕА ClearBenravia Trail Blazer of Milesend
Exbury Oberon
Mendipmist Heatwave
Exbury Gold Coin
Milesend Spinning Gold at Benravia
GB CHLythwood Sixsmith
Milesend Spinning Jenny
СЕА Clear, 2ХКЧК , ПК , Best Bich , BOB, BIS,СH.Club , , CH.Rus., CH.GrandBlenmerrow Ballerinasable/white
СЕА ClearBlenmerrow Running Wildsable/white
СЕА Clear, CH GBTegwel Wild Ways Of Sandwick
СЕА Clear Blenmerrow Barcorole sable/white
СЕА Clear GB CH In 2005 she was Sheltie of the Year.
Sherbondale Sommer Wonder at Blenmerrow
СЕА Clear, GB CH Sheltie Puppy of the Year 2000
Sheltie of the Year 2002
Veteran of the Year 2007
Blenmerrow Melveen Making Waves
СЕА Clear, GB CH Evad Sweet Sommer at Sherbondale