Шелти — питомник «Из Графского Поместья»
Shetland sheepdog — kennel «Iz Grafskogo Pomestija»



история наших шелти / shetland sheepdog memory


Blenmerrow Borodin

the genetically СЕА Clear, Ch.Russ., Ch.Club, Ch.Grand

sex: male
F.: СЕА Clear Apsledene Mystic Star
M.: СЕА Clear, GB CH, Sheltie Puppy of the Year 2001, Runner Up Sheltie of the Year 2003 Shaylin Starry Eyed At Blanmerrow
owner: Grafshina Galina

gallery галерея

Ch.Russ.,Ch.Club,Grand Champion , генетически чистый по глазам , the genetically  СЕА Clear имп.GB

полнозубый, 37 см.   04.04.2005-12.01.2018



The Pedigree of Blenmerrow Borodin

the genetically СЕА Clear, Ch.Russ., Ch.Club, Ch.Grand
sex: male     born.: 4-03-2005     colour: tricolour

СЕА Clear
Apsledene Mystic Star

Apsledene Mystic Star
СЕА Clear
Shelridge Flashdance

Shelridge Flashdance
СЕА Clear
Ruscombe Play The Piper


Ruscombe Pipe Major


Ruscombe Runabout To Gemette
СЕА Clear
Morestyle Star Dancer At Shelridge
СЕА Clear
Morestyle Black Cornet
СЕА Clear
Morestyle Azure With Shelridge
СЕА Clear, 1 X CC
Apsledene Mystic Lace

Apsledene Mystic Lace
СЕА Clear, GB CH
Rockaround Night Hawk


СЕА Clear
Forestland Poacher
СЕА Clear
Rockaround Bluetta
СЕА Clear
Apsledene Frosted Lace
СЕА Clear, GB CH
Scylla Apollonia
СЕА Clear
Apsledene Chantilly Lace
СЕА Clear, GB Ch. Sheltie Puppy of the Year 2001 Runner Up Sheltie of the Year 2003
Shaylin Starry Eyed At Blanmerrow

Shaylin Starry Eyed At Blanmerrow
СЕА Clear, 1 X CC
Blenmerrow Barnaby

Blenmerrow Barnaby
СЕА Clear
Shelridge Socrates


СЕА Clear
Marklin Wandasson Of Shelridge


СЕА Clear
Shelridge Sylphide
СЕА Clear
Blenmerrow Belinda
СЕА Clear, GB CH
Scylla Apollonia
Blenmerrow Batterfly
Shaylin Sweet Solitaire
GB Ch.
Apsledene Xeryus


СЕА Clear
Tegwel Gold Sovereignat at Sherringwood
СЕА Clear
Apsledene Miss Dior
СЕА Clear
Blenmerrow Bitter Sweet At Shaylin
СЕА Clear
Milesend Trivial Pursuit
СЕА Clear
Priesthouse Sweet Corn At Blenmerrow
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